Shop & Discover

869Online is a revolutionary online marketplace that is dedicated to empowering small businesses that sell goods or provide services in St. Kitts and Nevis. We understand the unique challenges that small businesses face in today's fast-paced digital age, and we are here to help. Our platform is designed to help businesses be found by customers who are looking for specific products or services. We answer the age-old question of "who sells...?" and "who does...?" so that customers can easily discover the businesses that meet their needs.

Sign up today and digitize your business offerings.



Discover all of the businesses that have been thoroughly listed in one centralized location, making it a breeze for you to effortlessly search and find the ideal business that perfectly meets your requirements.


Our diverse categories and user-friendly platform offer features and tools to help you build a thriving business.


We assess vendors based on their reputation, experience, and adherence to standards. Our continuous evaluation of vendors ensures that our customers receive the best products and services. We're proud to establish relationships with vendors who share our values.